
Nel corso di una sessione AMA su Reddit, alcuni membri del team di sviluppo di OneNote hanno divulgato alcune indiscrezioni sulle novità in arrivo in futuro.

Riassumendo le parti salienti che trovate raccolte in basso, si parla di una ristrutturazione generale dell’attuale modello, più coerente tra le piattaforme e più integrato in Windows 10 e Cortana, in accordo con i recenti rumor. Ci saranno novità nell’esperienza d’uso, nell’interfaccia ma anche nelle funzionalità. Anche per quanto riguarda l’app mobile ci saranno grandi miglioramenti, compreso il supporto a Ink.

We know that having two versions of OneNote on Windows is confusing, and we’re working on some things which should clear up this confusion.

Our goal for the Windows 10 app is to bring in the most valuable features from the classic OneNote app while delivering a more simple and pleasant user experience for users overall.

As for formatting on Windows 10 Mobile, we work hard to balance adding as many features as possible without cluttering the interface and making it hard to use. Some of the more advanced formatting options aren’t as critical on mobile, but as a power user myself, I’d love to see them added at some point.

Similarly, we’re looking at the best way to bring ink to mobile. We want to make sure we deliver a great experience and not simply port the existing one from desktop.

We think that deeper Cortana integration into OneNote could be really powerful. We are looking at a bunch of different ways we might incorporate Cortana into the experience including some things similar to what you describe.

We’re working on a ton of great features, including a brand-new UI which is more accessible and consistent across platforms. We think you’ll really like it, and you’ll be able to try it for yourself very soon!

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