WP_20150513_19_45_09_Pro (1)

Dal 13 maggio 2015 non sarà più possibile, per gli sviluppatori, sbloccare i propri smartphone con sistema operativo Windows Phone 8.0.

Come avvenuto per Windows Phone 7, i telefoni sbloccati prima di quella data potranno comunque essere utilizzati per testare le proprie app ancora per 24 mesi, al termine dei quali l’unica soluzione sarà quella di aggiornare a Windows Phone 8.1 o successivi.

“If you have a Windows Phone 8.0 device that you use to test your apps, please read this mail.
The Windows Phone 8.0 certificate that validates developer unlocks will expire today May 13, 7pm, Pacific Daylight time.
We recommend that you re-unlock your Windows Phone 8.0 test devices prior to today 7pm, to continue testing for another 24 months.
After today, no Windows Phone 8.0 device will be able to be developer unlocked, and you will have three options to continue testing Windows Phone 8.0 packages:
  • Update the phone to Windows Phone 8.1 and unlock it for developer testing
  • Submit apps as beta through the Windows Dev Center and test with Windows Phone 8.0 devices
  • Test Windows Phone 8.0 apps via the Windows Phone emulator
Any Windows Phone 8.0 device currently unlocked will continue to be unlocked and work as a test device until its certificate expires. To maximize the time available to test with this device, please lock then unlock the device before May 13, 2015 7pm PDT.
Note that this change has no impact on apps available in the Windows Phone Store, has no impact on Windows Phone 8.1 devices, nor will it impact customers with Windows Phone 8.x devices.”

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