Anche la versione mobile del gioco di calcio per eccezione dice addio ai device Windows. Con un comunicato sul forum ufficiale, EA Sports ha annunciato la dismissione del gioco il prossimo 7 novembre.

FIFA Mobile saluta il Windows Store

Un altro protagonista delle piattaforme mobile ha scelto di abbandonare la causa Windows Mobile e concentrare le risorse su Android e iOS, come si evince anche dalle parole del comunicato rilasciato:

As of November 7, 2017, we are sunsetting FIFA Mobile on Windows devices. We will no longer support or update online services for this game.

Thanks for playing!

The decision to retire games services is never easy. We’ve put time into creating FIFA Mobile for your Windows device and you’ve put even more time into playing it.

We will continue to run online services for the next 90 days, until November 7.

What does this mean for me?

You can play all current game modes in FIFA Mobile on Windows devices through November 7.

If you have a balance of in-game currency, you can still spend it until November 7. After that, we’ll retire all online services and you won’t be able to make any purchases. Your FIFA Points will carry over to the next season if you are playing or will be playing on an iOS or Android device.

Your progress will carry over to FIFA Mobile on iOS or Android if you’ve connected your account to Facebook. The game will import your progress when you launch the game and log into your Facebook account on a supported device.

After November 7, you won’t have access to any game-related data or content and the online games services will shut down. Refunds won’t be available.

Sarà possibile giocare e utilizzare i servizi online correlati al gioco fino al 7 novembre. Dopo tale data questi ultimi verranno dismessi definitivamente. Sarà possibile conservare i risultati FIFA conseguiti ritrovandoli su altre piattaforme se collegati a Facebook. Giocavate ancora a FIFA Mobile su Windows 10 e Windows 10 Mobile? Siete delusi? Ditecelo nei commenti.

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Fonte | AppRaisin