Aggiornamento cumulativo giugno 2017 - Windows 7 e Windows 8.1

Eseguendo un’installazione pulita di Windows 7 o Windows 8.1, vi aspetterebbero centinaia di aggiornamenti da installare. Per questo motivo, a partire da ottobre 2016 Microsoft ha deciso di rilasciare ogni mese un nuovo aggiornamento cumulativo per Windows 7 SP1 e Windows 8.1.

NOTA | Nel caso in cui non riusciste a effettuare il download e l’installazione degli aggiornamenti cumulativi, potreste trovare utile quest’altra guida.


Per Windows 7, Microsoft ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento KB4041681 con il seguente changelog:

  • Addressed issue with docking and undocking Internet Explorer windows.
  • Addressed issue with form submissions in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue with URL encoding in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue that prevents an element from receiving focus in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue with the rendering of a graphics element in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue where USBHUB.SYS randomly causes memory corruption that results in random system crashes that are extremely difficult to diagnose.
  • Security updates to Microsoft Windows Search Component, Windows kernel-mode drivers, Microsoft Graphics Component, Internet Explorer, Windows kernel, Windows Wireless Networking, Microsoft JET Database Engine, and the Windows SMB Server.

Per Windows 8.1, Microsoft ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento KB4041693 con il seguente changelog:

  • Addressed issue with docking and undocking Internet Explorer windows.
  • Addressed issue with form submissions in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue where Internet Explorer stops responding to a navigation request.
  • Addressed issue that occurs in the WebView Control of Internet Explorer in certain scenarios.
  • Addressed issue with URL encoding in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue that prevents an element from receiving focus in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue caused by a pop-up window in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue with the rendering of a graphics element in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue in Internet Explorer caused by a redirection link.
  • Addressed issue where messages that should be in a non-English language display in English in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed issue where USBHUB.SYS randomly causes memory corruption that results in random system crashes that are extremely difficult to diagnose.
  • Security updates to Microsoft Windows Search Component, Windows kernel-mode drivers, Microsoft Graphics Component, Internet Explorer, Windows kernel, Windows Wireless Networking, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Microsoft Windows DNS, Windows Server, Microsoft JET Database Engine, and the Windows SMB Server.

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