Microsoft ha appena rilasciato Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17655 ai Windows Insider che hanno scelto il canale di distribuzione Fast con Skip Ahead attivato. Si tratta di una nuova versione di anteprima di Redstone 5, il sesto grande aggiornamento per PC e tablet equipaggiati con Windows 10. Redstone 5 sarà rilasciato pubblicamente per PC e tablet nella seconda metà del 2018.

Novità di Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17655

  • Mobile Broadband (LTE) connectivity on Windows gets a makeover

    Windows is transforming the networking stack after 20 years through the Net Adapter framework. This framework introduces a new, more reliable, network driver model that inherits the goodness of the Windows driver framework while bringing an accelerated data path.

    In this build, we are introducing a new and improved Mobile Broadband (MBB) USB class driver based on this Net Adapter framework. We can’t wait for you to try out our new driver in the latest RS5 Insider Preview builds.

    If your PC supports Mobile Broadband, i.e., your PC relies on cellular network for connectivity, and you want to help out? Here is what you need to do:

    Step 1: Ensure your PC can support SIM cards and USB modems (either over the internal USB bus or using a USB dongle for cellular connectivity).

    Step 2: Install this build (Build 17655 and higher) and setup cellular connectivity.

    Step 3: Choose the Net Adapter based MBB USB class driver as default driver.

    • Navigate to Device Manager (you can right-click on the Start button to get there).
    • Go to Network AdaptersGeneric Mobile Broadband Adapter or xxxxx Mobile Broadband Adapter
    • Right-click and choose update driver > Browse my computer for driver software > Click on Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer > Choose Generic Mobile Broadband Cx Net Adapter > Click Next.
    • Once installed reboot for the new driver to take effect.
    • Ensure the status of the connection remains Connected.

    • Go to Network Adapters -> Generic Mobile Broadband Adapter or xxxxx Mobile Broadband Adapter in Device Manager.

    • Right click and choose update driver -> Browse my computer for driver software -> Click on Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer and click next.

    Choose Generic Mobile Broadband Cx Net Adapter -> Click Next.

    Note | Follow the instructions in Step 5 to revert to the default driver (xxxxx Mobile Broadband Adapter), in case of issues with Net Adapter driver(Generic Mobile Broadband Cx Net Adapter).

    You are all set. We are excited for you to try our driver!

    Step 5For Internet access, try using cellular network primarily by turning off Wi-Fi.

Problemi risolti

  • In this build, the brightness toggle from the Battery flyout in the Notification Area on the taskbar has been removed for an improved user experience.
  • We fixed an issue in Microsoft Edge where dragging a favorite from one folder in the favorites bar to another didn’t work.

Nuovi problemi

  • We’re investigating an issue where the mouse cursor may disappear when hovering over certain UI elements and text fields.
  • On resuming from sleep, the desktop may be momentarily visible before the Lock screen displays as expected.
  • When Movies & TV user denies access to its videos library (through the “Let Movies & TV access your videos library?” popup window or through Windows privacy settings), Movies & TV crashes when the user navigates to the “Personal” tab.
  • We’re aware of an issue that causes Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab, and we’re working on a fix.
  • Using arrow and Page Up / Page Down keys doesn’t work to scroll webpages in Microsoft Edge. You’ll need to use another input method (mouse, touch, or touchpad).
  • If you complete the setup for a Windows Mixed Reality headset on this build, the headset will remain black until it is unplugged and reconnected to the PC.
  • Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final.  The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
  • The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
  • Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
  • Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
  • The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
  • Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
  • Right-clicking a tab in Sets will not bring up a context menu in this build.
  • Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored, and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.

Guida all’installazione

L’aggiornamento è installabile in tutti i PC e i tablet che rispondono ai requisiti minimi richiesti per l’installazione della versione pubblica di Windows 10. Per installare le versioni di anteprima di Windows 10 destinate agli Insider:

  1. Andate in Start.
  2. Quindi in Impostazioni.
  3. Scegliete Aggiornamento e sicurezza.
  4. Quindi Programma Windows Insider.
  5. Cliccate Per iniziare.
  6. Visualizzerete il messaggio Caricamento in corso – attendete.
  7. Visualizzerete il messaggio Installerai software e servizi non definitivi, che potrebbero non essere totalmente testati. Leggete attentamente quanto riportato e cliccate Avanti.
  8. Visualizzerete il messaggio Prima di confermare. Leggete attentamente quanto riportato e cliccate Conferma.
  9. Visualizzerete il messaggio Ancora un passaggio…. Leggete attentamente quanto riportato e cliccate Riavvia ora.
  10. Il PC/tablet verrà riavviato.

Al termine del riavvio, recatevi in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e sicurezza > Programma Windows Insider e assicuratevi di essere entrati nel programma Insider. Per maggiori informazioni vi invitiamo a leggere il nostro articolo dedicato.

Tenete presente che le versioni di anteprima destinate agli Insider sono instabili e mal tradotte in italiano: ne sconsigliamo l’installazione in computer usati per studio o lavoro. Potrete invece provarle in totale sicurezza installandole in una macchina virtuale o in un secondo computer dedicato ai test.

Dettagli aggiornamento precedente

Trovate tutti i dettagli sul precedente aggiornamento, Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17650 in quest’altro articolo.

Articolo di Windows Blog Italia

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