Terminata la pausa natalizia, come promesso il team di sviluppo di Windows 10 e Windows 10 Mobile è già tornato a lavoro. Nel frattempo Dona Sarkar inaugura il 2017 con il lancio di un blog dedicato agli Insider.

Si tratta di uno spazio dedicato a tutte le iniziative e agli eventi correlati al programma Insider, inteso nel senso più largo del termine, e quindi non relegato al solo programma di test delle build di anteprima di Windows 10, per il quale è tutt’ora valido il blog di Windows. Microsoft intende creare una community di persone e non unicamente una schiera di tester. Potete visitare il nuovo blog dal link in fondo all’articolo.

This is our answer when people ask us the question: What is the Windows Insider Program? Is it for Windows users to install preview builds and provide feedback (which we’ve been doing since 2014) OR is it for people all over the world to do community related things like the #WINsiders4Good / #Insiders4Good activities?

It’s not an OR. It’s an AND.

The Insider program is not exclusively ONE THING.  Our program is both of these (and much more!) depending on what people are looking for.

For people who want to preview cutting-edge Windows builds and provide feedback through the Feedback Hub & other means, this remains exactly the program for you. The feedback you give us helps us make big decisions daily. What kind of changes do we make in the next 5 days?  What about 5 months?  Your feedback to this product makes a difference to millions of people every day.

We’ve listened to your feedback.  Many of you want to feel closer to the engineering team and want more transparency into how we work. We love that and want to work even closer with you this year.  We’ll work to give you more insight into what the team is doing, how engineering decisions are made, what issues we’re prioritizing each week, how we can improve our processes/tools and much more “behind the scenes” things. This will all start next week when everyone is back in the office on the standard Windows channels you know and love. Those are not going anywhere.  Nor is the program changing for anything other than deeper engagement. Same bat-time, same bat-place.

For those wanting to take the program a step further and use tech to learn, create, start businesses (even if it’s the business of YOU!), solve local problems and connect with others, the Windows Insider Program’s #Insiders4Good arm is also the program for you.

So, why #Insiders4Good rather than the formerly named #WINsiders4Good?

The past 274 days of this initiative have been about flighting various experiments such as the Create-A-Thons, Hour Of Code and Fellowships to see if they resonated.  Good news: they resonated! So many of you told us that *this* is what you’ve been looking for from the program. We are actively working on scaling our initiatives so *anyone* can do them at home. One of the main reasons for these programs to exist is longitudinal as well as cross-product impact. By using Windows to do these things for a longer period of time, our community is also using Office, Azure, Visual Studio, Dynamics and other Microsoft products and sending us feedback on those products as well therefore we decided to be inclusive of those teams as well.

We also heard your feedback about wanting to find and connect with each other more. We confess to not having been *completely* offline the past two weeks (we really, really love our jobs!) and instead we’ve been experimenting with ways for you all to communicate and collaborate.

The first is: this community blog! It’s a way for us to talk to you, for you to talk to each his other and for us to talk to the outside world about our various projects, passions, and challenges.

If you’d like to contribute, please do send email to [email protected]. We’ve gotten a few submissions already from longtime Insider Raymond, and Nigeria Fellows Paula and Mubarak. More are on the way.  We can’t wait to hear your stories as well!

There will also be a few more experiments coming in January for you all

The Windows blog will continue to focus on the builds and engineering updates, this Insiders blog will focus more on the community and projects aspect.

Windows Insiders are a global community of people who use tech to make a lasting impact in the world. We need ALL of you and your diverse points-of-view to do that.

In 2017, let’s embrace the power of AND rather than the tyranny of OR. We needs all kinds of people to help build tech to fulfill our mission to empower EVERY person on the planet to achieve more.

We are the millions who represent the billions.  Let’s get this done together.

Happy New Years, Windows Insiders! To the most amazing one yet.

Per coloro interessati unicamente alle build, i test non dovrebbero farsi attendere a lungo. Se ve le foste perse, ecco le novità per Windows 10 e Windows 10 Mobile in arrivo a breve per gli Insider. Vi piace questa iniziativa?

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