
Microsoft ha appena rilasciato Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15048 ai Windows Insider che hanno scelto il canale di distribuzione Fast. Si tratta di una nuova versione di anteprima di Creators Update (nome in codice Redstone 2), il terzo grande aggiornamento per PC e tablet equipaggiati con Windows 10. Creators Update sarà rilasciato pubblicamente per PC, tablet e smartphone nel corso del 2017.

AGGIORNAMENTO 2 | Disponibili le ISO, 32 bit e 64 bit a questo indirizzo.

AGGIORNAMENTO | La build è ora disponibile anche nel ramo di sviluppo lento, slow ring.

Novità di Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15048

  • Nessuna novità degna di nota.

Problemi risolti

  • We fixed the issue where some UWP apps may unexpectedly appear with their app package name in the title bar as opposed to the app name. A lot of you sent us screenshots of this in the Feedback Hub and we were able to debug the issue quickly. Thank you!.
  • We fixed the issue where some popular games might minimize to the taskbar when launched.
  • We fixed an issue where copy and pasting URLs to and from the Microsoft Edge address bar with spaces wouldn’t convert spaces into %20.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the LastPass extension for Microsoft Edge sometimes unexpectedly failing to show its autofill buttons on recent builds.
  • We fixed a recent issue resulting in unexpected characters sometimes being pasted when pasting into certain websites using Microsoft Edge.
  • We fixed an issue where using the mouse wheel to scrolling in Microsoft Edge might not work if the window was made smaller or moved to a different monitor.
  • We adjusted Microsoft Edge’s “Find on page” logic so that now as you go through the results the webpage should scroll so the found text is more central on the page.
  • We fixed an issue for those flighting recent builds on laptops, changing brightness would stop working after the first time the laptop lid had been closed and reopened when the “Lid Close Action” power policy was set to “Do nothing”.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in not being able to type into search boxes in certain UWP apps.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in clicked Cortana search results not opening when typing using the MS Pinyin IME.
  • We fixed an issue where cross device notifications from a particular phone might unexpectedly appear in two separate groups in the Action Center.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in emails from Outlook 2016 not opening in the foreground after tapping on the corresponding notification.

Nuovi problemi

  • If you did the workaround to fix the corrupted registry key to get Build 15042, please DO this to re-enabled IPv6.
  • Some PCs will fail to update to this build at 71% and roll-back to the previous build. See this forum post for details.
  • If you have Symantec/Norton anti-virus software installed on your PC, you may get an 0x80070228 error when attempting to download this build. See this forum post for details.
  • If you have additional language packs installed, this build will fail to download and install. You can follow the steps in this forum post to get unblocked.
  • Certain hardware configurations may cause the broadcast live review window in the Game bar to flash Green while you are Broadcasting. This does not affect the quality of your broadcast and is only visible to the Broadcaster.
  • Issues may occur when exploring pages using the F12 Developer Tools in Microsoft Edge with cross-origin iframes (e.g. the DOM explorer shows only the iframe DOM, the Console frame selector doesn’t list the iframes, etc.).
  • Pressing F12 to open the Developer Tools in Microsoft Edge while F12 is open and focused may not return focus to the tab F12 is opened against, and vice-versa.
  • Sometimes launching F12 will launch the F12 window behind the active Microsoft Edge window.
  • Insiders with multiple monitors may encounter an issue where one of the monitors stops rendering (with the exception of the mouse). While rebooting will fix it, you can also resolve the issue via Settings > System > Display under the Multiple displays section, set it to only use the monitor that’s functional, then set it back to “Extend these displays” and the issue should be resolved.

Guida all’installazione

L’aggiornamento è installabile in tutti i PC e i tablet che rispondono ai requisiti minimi richiesti per l’installazione della versione pubblica di Windows 10 Anniversary Update. Per installare le versioni di anteprima di Windows 10 destinate agli Insider:

  1. Andate in Start.
  2. Quindi in Impostazioni.
  3. Scegliete Aggiornamento e sicurezza.
  4. Quindi Programma Windows Insider.
  5. Cliccate Per iniziare.
  6. Visualizzerete il messaggio Caricamento in corso – attendete.
  7. Visualizzerete il messaggio Installerai software e servizi non definitivi, che potrebbero non essere totalmente testati. Leggete attentamente quanto riportato e cliccate Avanti.
  8. Visualizzerete il messaggio Prima di confermare. Leggete attentamente quanto riportato e cliccate Conferma.
  9. Visualizzerete il messaggio Ancora un passaggio…. Leggete attentamente quanto riportato e cliccate Riavvia ora.
  10. Il PC/tablet verrà riavviato.

Al termine del riavvio, recatevi in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e sicurezza > Programma Windows Insider e assicuratevi di essere entrati nel programma Insider. Per maggiori informazioni vi invitiamo a leggere il nostro articolo dedicato.

Tenete presente che le versioni di anteprima destinate agli Insider sono instabili e mal tradotte in italiano: ne sconsigliamo l’installazione in computer usati per studio o lavoro. Potrete invece provarle in totale sicurezza installandole in una macchina virtuale o in un secondo computer dedicato ai test.

Dettagli aggiornamento precedente

Trovate tutti i dettagli sul precedente aggiornamento, Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15046, in quest’altro articolo.

Articolo di Windows Blog Italia

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